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A Good Death? Parliamentary committee meeting clip

rachel Photo

2 years 515 Views
At the start of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic Matt Hancock ordered a two year supply of Midazolam and then went back to France for more.
This was confirmed in a parliamentary committee meeting which included Hancock, Professor Van Tam, and Tory MP; Dr Luke Evans, who said a “good death” needs three things, one of those things being Midazolam. (THIS AUDIO)
At the same time Hancock and the Government changed the law on the certification of deaths under the guise of the coronavirus act.
And the law on cremations; removing the need for a confirmatory medical certificate.
And the law on indemnity for health service activity including all NHS staff.
And the law on visiting loved ones in care homes and NHS hospitals; which was banned.
April and May 2020 saw a huge spike in deaths occurring in care homes, many were attributed to Covid-19.