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The raging Mel Gibson antisemitic psyop
Klaus Schwab and The Not So Great Reset (Satire)
Global Apartheid - With Sabbatian-Ruled Israel Leading The Way - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Wed Sep 7 2022: FAK608-Peter Wright on escaping Africa
NASA Challenger Crew Alive?
Germ theory cover for industrial poisoning
Jesse Waugh discusses Nuke Lies from 2018 podcast and paralleling
Bombshell Evidence that COVID is Chromosome 8 Human DNA - Faulty PCR Test
Agenda 21 plan exposed in the 90s
FAK635-Died Suddenly Call in Show
We've Got One That Can See...
Anne Heche. Not Your Normal Rescue
Lark in Texas on communitarianism
NASA; ''We destroyed the technology to go back to the moon''
NPR admits fake moon rocks, prove it's true