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The Words Of A President Matter (Ft. LIL' KC) REMIX - WTFBRAHH

3 years 692 Views

All WTFBRAHH merch store designs created by IG:@DeepFriedArt

Awesome transitions provided by @Videolancer
Transitions Pack:

In this continuation of our "Trial By Combat" remix, this video picks up where our last one left off. There was too much stuff to document in a single video, so consider this the sequel.

As chaos engulfs the capitol, Joe Biden calls out President Donald Trump to step up and call for an end to the assault on capitol hill. Within minutes President Donald Trump responded, telling his supporters that he understands that they're hurt, that he loves them and continues to re-iterate that the election was stolen from him. Fast forward to the next day after Twitter banned his account for 12 hours and President Trump condemns the violence that occurred on January 6th 2021. He now claims that his focus is to ensure that there is a peaceful transfer of power to the new administration. No matter which side you're on, the one thing we can probably all agree on, is that the words of a president matter. Stay tuned for the next episode of AMERICA!