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Do You Smell a Rat? Rachel's FB livestream 20 Sep 2020

3 years 710 Views
'Rachel Speaks Out ~ 9 September 2020' went viral and so far (11 days on) has had over 200,000 views across FB/YouTube with over 2,000 shares and thousands of comments the vast majority of which were in gratitude and thanks for my speaking what they were feeling. It was an unscripted, unedited, one-take video that I felt inspired to make, and clearly what I said resonated.

As a result I've been inundated with messages of support and encouragement, plus lots of evidence and expert opinion corroborating many of the hunches and deep knowings I expressed in that video.

I have also been asked to speak at the next Trafalgar Square event on 26 September 2020. In today's FB livestream (which I have made into this YouTube video) I read the transcript of the speech I have written ~ and I welcome your feedback ~ via the Comments section.

If you want to watch the original Rachel Speaks Out video you can find it at

The transcript of the speech read in this video is at:

I'd really appreciate it, if you do not agree with any of what I have said, that you do not use any verbal abuse or make personal insults when commenting. Thank you.

(If you feel yourself strongly triggered into ANGER at any point in this video, please go inwards and explore the unexploded bomb of unresolved trauma that the trigger is attached to ~ thus liberating yourself forever!)

Om Shanti