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Joe Biden Promises to lockdown America

3 years 647 Views
Joe Biden has announced the first thing he is going to do when inaugurated is issue a nationwide mask mandate and lockdown. Who could have predicted this? I for one did not see this coming… Maybe if someone in a lab coat had warned us we could’ve prevented this.

But seriously, I’ve been seeing people actually say “If only I knew, I wouldn’t have voted for Biden!”. If you only knew? We’ve been warning about this for months. Not only that, they themselves have been saying Trump is a fascist dictator for years, yet they can’t see real fascism creeping in from beneath them? The outcome of this election is irrelevant. The new world will be ushered in regardless, unless we stand up to the elites. Maybe when we are all being gutted and starved to death, they will finally realize the reality of the situation.

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