I've been shadow-banned on YewTewb, so that's unfortunate. I guess I'm having a bit of a "wtaf" kind of a day (see stories) that has involved triumphantly alienating a few more in-laws (see my husband's fb wall, etc.) and pretty much destroying my computer with coffee, which is how I destroy all my computers goddamnit. Karma. So here's a somewhat cheerless video in keeping with that vibe. This is actually part one of a very *cheerFUL* video coming up v. soon, and No, I haven't forgotten about my commitment to *actually* do a hilarious Troll Roll-call vid in which I quote all of my favourite trolls from the past week or so, which I'm convinced will clear all the energetic space for the love & light to come. Fun fun.
Support my work via patreon.com/bauhauswife
Niki Rapaana's work can be found at www.nikirapaana.blogspot.com
Rosa Koire is at www.democratsagainstagenda21.com