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Australian Under Attack during 8 pm Curfew- Global News Suggests 8pm for BC too?

4 years 1.5K Views
Description: A desperate Australian crying out for help from humanity.
Go to my FB page Odessa Orlewicz to see the proof (3 photos in one post) of flight logs and whistle blowers from the ground level. If anyone knows how to post those from my FB page please post them in comments.
Half way through this video is Rocco Galati's interview so you understand what is going on in: Canada;
Unify the Groups March Saturday Aug 15 :
Unify the People freedom march Sunday Aug 16 -Vancouver Art Gallery Downtown:
I post a lot more stuff on my FB that you may want to see.

Please help me with the cost of my information/education book I am sending to EVERY MLA in BC to expose to them that we know they know about Covid Scam/Dr and Science and Stats Proof/The Coverup of HCQ cure/The reputable studies stating autism IS linked to Vaccines/The danger of forcing its citizens to take an experimental RNA v***a***x***c**e***e***n I have raise just over 1,000 of the 3,000 cost for printing and postal.