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Covid Comments - the Zeitgeist in August of 2022

2 years 420 Views
The top YouTube comments on Covid from the major networks in the US, Canada and UK - which seem to indicate that (spoiler alert):
- a majority now disbelieve the official Covid/vaccine/lockdown/"science" narratives
- a majority now distrusts the CDC, FDA, NIH and Pharma
- a majority distrusts the mass media (even more)
- a majority distrusts their government (even more)
This is a quick and cheap video intended as a snapshot of public opinion for the record, and to inject some optimism. :)
Search for "vaccine", "mask" and "monkeypox" and you'll see similar comments.
The comments are ordered by YouTube's default view, "Top Comments", which uses some mysterious algorithm, but nice to see such a dramatic accumulation of votes for comments in favor of freedom, and a healthy albeit overdue skepticism of the global covid fraud.
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