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The Shift Episode 79: The Cult of Communitarianism with Niki Raapana

2 years 499 Views
Welcome to the 79th episode of The Shift where host Doug McKenty discusses the topic of Communitarianism with author Niki Raapana. This conversation reveals the little known concept central to many of the political and economic changes now taking place all around the world as governments and organizations respond to the Covid-19 pandemic by implementing policies and procedures utilizing Communitarianism as a foundational principle. From the Great Reset to Agenda 21 to Impact Investing and Stakeholder Capitalism, and embedded in the very concept of Technocracy itself, Communitarianism is the glue that hold all these seemingly dispirit policy platforms together. Once understood, this umbrella concept reveals the philosophy behind Global Corporatism and its drive to circumvent individual rights and impose a new order on humanity. You can find out more about Niki Raapana on her Facebook page, go to for past articles or check out to find a copy of The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto.

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