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2 years 1.3K Views
Gee, I wonder if Sam Bankman Fiend is Jewish?
That is of course a joke, we all know that this scumbag could only pull this kind of shit and get away with it if he was a Jew. If a non Jew ripped off $26 billion from Goyim - that non Jew would be in a prison cell immediately. But since this putz is a Jew, the entire infrastructure of mainstream media (all of which is in the IRON GRIP OF JEW MONEY POWER) and the entire political establishment (all of which is in the IRON GRIP OF JEW MONEY POWER) is circling their Jewish wagons around this kid, giving him safe passage and comfort and not only is this fucking scumbag kid walking free, but he is being hailed as a"misunderstood, altruist who wanted to "save the world"!"
Only in JewWorld can such a criminal piece of shit get away with what this kid did. So when Jews wonder why antisemitic feelings are on the rise - Jews need look no further than that shrill shrieking fraud called the Jew media who is so insulting to any thinking person when they push their Jewish lie about how this dork was a saint. What scumbags they are. Jew's throughout history have always gotten what they deserve - disdain, resentment, resistance and ultimately rejection for their insult and assault on our basic human dignity.