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Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing
Unreal 2 ปี
The Germ's or Jerm's nose seems clearly fake - in the days of YouTube and HD video its not uncommon that some drop their hat, beard, caps and sunglasses for some classic movie disguise like fake teeth, noses, hair etc.
The germ's nose doesn't move at all, its just plastered on it seems...
Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing
quantazelle 2 ปี
"Jerm" is a super blinker, too.
Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing
quantazelle 2 ปี
This platform fakeotube is really awkward to type comments. I lost my previous comment when the screen orientation changed.
Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing
Fakeologist Admin 2 ปี
I like it.