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Canada must suspend illegal measures or face massive shutdown and civil disobedience

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In the wake of the outlawing of COVID measures on September 8 by the National Council of Common Law Assemblies (NCCLA), the Canadian government was today given an ultimatum by the Council to suspend all of these now-illegal measures by September 30 or face a nation-wide Non-Cooperation movement that will paralyze the country.
“We’re talking strikes, sit-ins, and seizures of public buildings” said NCCLA Secretary Martin Beresford today.
“The so-called Health officials who are single handedly running our police state will face summary arrest by our Sheriffs for committing crimes against the health and liberty of the people. And we’re going to start publicly burning our masks this Monday.”
According to the NCCLA, citizens in nearly one hundred Canadian communities have organized in their own Assemblies to enforce a September 8 law that bans all COVID measures across Canada and allows the arrest of anyone who enforces the measures. These citizens will engage in a massive civil disobedience campaign starting October 1.
To mark the commencement of this resistance, public mask burnings will begin outside government offices. Canadians will refuse to pay taxes or obey laws not authorized by their own local Common Law Assemblies.
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Posted 17 September, 2020.