Max Igan V Jim Fetzer on Christchurch. With the GoPro footage [blurred] visible enough to prove the hoax. An obvious fake staged event to take the guns off Aussies and NZers. Liars who have no argument and nowhere to go shout their opposition down a…
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A Viral Video That Everyone Needs to See: Jim Fetzer Exposes Max Igan Christchurch Lies April 2019.
Bobbie 33 2 meses
100% Fake…I don’t listen to Egan ..I have never trusted anything he says!
A Viral Video That Everyone Needs to See: Jim Fetzer Exposes Max Igan Christchurch Lies April 2019.
Lynn Wright 2 meses
Max also believes the Gaza story, at least that's the last I heard.
A Viral Video That Everyone Needs to See: Jim Fetzer Exposes Max Igan Christchurch Lies April 2019. 2 meses
Max Egan and I had a conversation after Christchurch and he tried to convince me that it was evidence of MK ultra and that everybody died. It was a private phone call where he attempted to sway me.