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The Strategic Hour: Wuhan Labs, Zionism, Rapture and the Creation of Synthetic Cults

3 anos 201 Visualizações
In this episode of the Strategic Hour on Rogue News, Matt Ehret breaks down the lies and misdirection leading westerners to believe that the hand of evil shaping the Great Reset and the manufacturing of Covid-19 as a weapon designed to subvert the world order is China.
We review the evidence for this fraud, and explore the modus operandi of Anglo-American techniques of using biological terror on populations abroad and at home for over a century, as well as the British Freemasonic creation of cults that weaponized groups of Jews and Christians at the end of the 19th Century into driving an "end times" geopolitical movement today expressing itself in the rise of the neocons, Project for a New American Century and the new age of Post-911 bioweapon warfare.
We explore how the techniques of misdirection and deception were used to create the Cold War using a fabricated hoax known as the "Gouzenko Affair" using falsified evidence cooked up by British Intelligence to persuade fools among the west that their former ally Russia, should be hated and feared rather than respected giving rise to a dystopic world order. We Additionally explore how the same formula used in the Gouzenko Hoax was used again in the case of 9-11 to justify a new age of terror abroad and the rise of a surveillance state at home.
A master key to unlocking the secret of the dark arts of counter intelligence used by empires from the days of Babylon to the present remains Shakespeare's play Othello which Matt and V explore as the best antidote to imperial psy ops.
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Apologies for the bad sound quality.