This is the most important interview I've ever done.Show more
You will learn that 95% of the COVID deaths in hospitals were caused by the hospital protocols, not COVID.
That it was the COVID shots, not COVID, responsible for 8X increase in code blues per shift as well as a 4X increase in hospitalization rates.
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Nurse Gail Macrae reveals stunning facts about the COVID vax and protocols
Ginny 1 year
Excess deaths from all causes in 2020 were localized, different places at different times. Overall, all states had an unprecedented number of excess deaths in 2020--a total of over 500k extra deaths nationwide.
There's a huge coverup going on of excess deaths in the US in 2020. That's because the patterns indicate it was not a virus--it was a democide.
Nurse Gail Macrae reveals stunning facts about the COVID vax and protocols
Fakeologist Admin 1 year
2020 was likely the lowest death totals ever. I'll check this site but it makes no sense. The vax didn't ramp up until 2021.