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It's not about money ! , it's about sending a message

4 months 163 Views
comte st germaine the british envoy who inspired the declaration signers also designed the seal of the united states, this man who coded the celestial alignments of 911 225 years in advance for the rosicrucians
on to the dollar bill ,he was

the original professor oz !

this is further highlighted by exact images of the pentagon and the twin towers on 911 being added to your money in the 80's and 90's.

Aleister crowley translates this as the aeon of horus
aeon means millenium
horus was a falcon
ergo 911 was the millenium fall-con
crowleys phoenix constellation was below the horizon on 911 until the star alignments of solomons cube triggered the event ,then once the towers had fallen and left an abyss the phoenix was abel to leave the abyss ,
the eagle - phoenix
star or cube above the eagle on the seal is the solomons seal on 911 ;hilit=comte+st+germaine&sid=bb5892cdc77b7230fca100bd345a575f#p14179 ;hilit=comte+st+germaine&sid=bb5892cdc77b7230fca100bd345a575f#p13628 ;hilit=comte+st+germaine&sid=bb5892cdc77b7230fca100bd345a575f#p13546 ;hilit=thelema#p16477

temple of solo-man the millenium fall-con toy serial number
model number 39110
39 wizard of oz came out
93 flight number and liber oz number thelema 93 reversed 39
9th month sep
11th day,
model no 39110 for the j tobin plaza spaceship,the ,millenium fall-con toy from kenner
when viewed from the gold sphere ,the ultimate prize in v.i.t.r.i.o.l. illuminism rosicrucian alchemy that spawned the wizard of oz
stand at the gold ball ,prize in alchemy and look up !
the holy city is the millenium fall-con(7 buildings of the twin tower complex) coming through orion ,orion is kesil in hebrew (the kessel run)in star wars is solomans claim to fame for his ship
metatron is the voice of god ,and george lucas uses metatrons vision to zerubabel of the building of the temple and all his companions as a basis for lukes journey through 911 (making george lucas the voice of god or metatron) ;hilit=thelema#p16477
we're heading into the new millenium ,and the alchemical solo-mans temple was not enough! we needed a vision that matched the historicity of the temples falling on 911
dare i say it ,we needed all three temples combining to make the unseen temple ,the celestial new jerusalem the founders of america held dear ,and it must be unseen to the profane ,passed of as a dream to the religious ,and taken privelidge for the illuminated

Oh Auntie Em, it's you!... But I did leave you, Uncle Henry. That's just the trouble. And I tried to get back for days and days… bit ot wasn't a dream. It was a place. An you, and you, and you… and you were there. But you couldn't have been, could you?... no, Aunt Em, this was a real, truly, live place. And I remember that some of it wasn't very nice. But most of it was beautiful. But just the same all I kept saying to everybody was I want to go home. And the sent me home. Doesn't anybody believe me? Oh but anyway, Toto, we're home. Home! And this is my room. And you're all here. And I'm not gonna leave here ever, ever again. Because I love you all, and, oh Auntie Em, there's no place like home!