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Think...Then Act!

Fakeologist Admin Photo

Fakeologist Admin
3 года 135 Просмотр (ов)
Here’s the deal. If you have been so manipulated by the media and the singular, locked down narrative, and you’re that scared of an illness that has a 99.9% recovery rate, showing numbers derived by an unreliable PCR test, while the frail and old are dying because the government refuses to use hcq and ivermectin, then fill your boots. Wear 3 masks, stay isolated from the world, let your business be destroyed, mask your kids ALL day, keep them from healthy socializing and playing sports, and take the untested vaccine, hell take em all, twice, three times. That’s your choice. But please remember that your choice has much greater consequences for everyone around you. You are giving the government power they should never have. You’re making these horribly consequential choices based on one narrative, an unchallenged narrative, a dictatorial narrative. History shows us that when governments take more and more power, it never ends well. Far more people are dying from the measures taken than from the illness. This won’t end well.
At the very least, please join us in demanding the government justify their actions, fully, using science, not just the paid for science, but ALL science, information and data provided by all experts. Demand that they put their “science” up to scrutiny and debate. The science they claim to have to justify these measures because many experts have science and data that debunks the government narrative. Maybe that’s why they refuse to open the debate. They have committed to one narrative, “consensus science”, provided to them by people that don’t remotely have your best interests at heart and if they did open the debate, they would be held to serious account. Most likely criminal accountability.
Demanding accountability from our elected officials is not crazy. It’s not unreasonable in any way. It’s precisely how this is supposed to work. Please send an email or letter or make a call to your mla or mp. Demand that they open the debate. Demand that they recognize opposing views, data, research, and science. Let’s put it all on the table for all to see, let’s hold them accountable for their actions. Once we do that, your fear will subside. Your submission will recoil and we can save our province and our country from the consequences derived by singular, unreliable science and opinions.

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